
Finishing the Hat: Dorothy Braudy’s Artistic Journey
By Selma R. Holo

Dorothy Braudy’s life as an artist is made up of a number of adventurous journeys of discovery leading to answers about what being a painter “meant”- not to the critics or to the consumers of culture, but what it meant to her… read more

Dorothy’s People
By Leo Braudy

Being privileged to be able to observe closely for almost thirty years the evolution of Dorothy’s work, I can see certain clear constants. Her prime interest is usually representational. No matter how much the image itself might involve… read more

Her Source
By Frances Lerner

Dorothy Braudy’s art work and her life have rare fairness. She is a humanist, a humane artist. She reads clips from the New York Times, tramps the zoo pointing to the animal’s tiny spirit positions with her camera; worships the churches, synagogues, monasteries- spiritual hideouts that hold their own alongside the “glitter”… read more

The Obligation of Orange
By Brenda Hillman

In 1994 D made a picture of a figure leaving in orange.

The figure’s back is turned to us, many dogs at her side. She gives us her original nature, walking away… read more

Reading Dorothy Braudy
By Selma Holo

Until the end to the nineteenth century and the increasing popularity of photography, cultivated men and women of that era were accustomed to draw and paint images of the people and places they encountered, ensuring that they would have the visual tools to recall them (either for pleasure or profit) in the days that lay ahead… read more

Art and Memory
By Dorothy Gallagher

Twenty yeas ago I admired an etching that Dorothy Braudy had made and she made me a gift of it. I have looked at it every day since. It is a powerfully evocative image to me: a young girl of then or eleven years old, stands all by herself on what seems to be an deserted country road… read more

The Coloring of Memory
By Tom Lutz

This remarkable series of paintings is not only a feast of color, but a poignant essay on the passage of time, on memory and mortality, one that provides a robust defense, along the way, of figurative painting. Before seeing this complex sequence… read more